Henry Rollins

2018 Augusta, Ga


Black Right Arrow

Henry Rollins @ Miller Theater: Augusta, Ga: Jan 8th, 2018

First and foremost, I love me some

Henry Rollins. His words and wisdom as an educated traveled SINGLE older man inspired me to continue to be who I am and do as I do. That whole purity thing he’s had going on for years is so badass! As a youth, it took me some time to get accustomed to the likes of the anarchy movement of BLACK FLAG. Fact is, I grew up in a pretty well rounded educated nuclear family environment and the likes of his music didn’t get outside the schoolyard. Well, the shit that others were listening to… No matter how hard I tried. All the knowledge obtained from school that did not pertain to the books was left at the car door in the afternoon pickup! It took some time as Henry’s face would pop up in different formats throughout my life; movies, Rollins Band, books that lead me to believe that he was a man way more interesting than what BLACK FLAG could ever represent.

Not knocking BLACK FLAG(Rise Above w/Henry). We all had to start from somewhere in life.

This made my second time with about a seventeen-year gap that I was fortunate enough to see the man in person. I held back like a responsible human and did not indulge in the two hundred & sixty-five bucks. VIP hand shack but by the end of the 2.5-hour lecture session, I was kicking myself in the ass for not doing so! So I can’t yet put him in my PEOPLE I’VE MET category, but hell! We don’t die young anymore here in America, so I’m sure there will be another chance. And I hope that he comes back near my home again at the newly reopen Miller Theater in Augusta, Ga. Pretty swank place and happy they are bringing in the like of Henry!My worst fears did come true. Reasons why I DO NOT FLY IN AMERICA ANYMORE! Being assigned to a seat in the middle of FAT PEOPLE is… No way in hell going to work for me! I don’t give a FUCK! Tired of that shit at forty years of age. Thank goodness I’m the next level up human and made the decision to opt to the other side of the room where I was able to position myself closer to the stage, closer to Henry and away from people!.


Though sadly my iPhone 5 and the stage light were not having any of it that evening. So believe me when I say Henry is there! As one can probably jump to conclusions and state that the iPhone was just picking up that ambient energy we can’t see with our naked blind eyes, in where here, Henry was a turned on like a lightbulb. GLOWING!! Shinning like a guiding star for the audience has he drilled everyone with information of his travels and experiences. Though as I get older and more traveled in my life, it was almost like watching myself in the mirror. Listening to myself telling myself stories of places I’ve been, the people I’ve met, and folks around the world that I’ve supported for said dreams. Which made for the 2.5 hours show a bit on the sleepy side, but I was happy to know that I can share the same ambitions, similar emotions, possibly the same Siberian train car as this man did.

One day I hope I could be used to rally up support to any humans that find me a role model. About the only part that separates the likes of old man Henry and I.. (humans)

Oh, and the “I was the lead singer in a PUNK BAND!” part.

ha! I’m just a Brick.


As FIN, Henry Rollins is always on my “must go see list” and man! Do we need more folks like him to come forward, educate, talk, and have fun! So good to listen to someone with a down to earth worldly experience, with a “worldly mind” explanation, and not this imaginary American fear concept of an “open mind“.

Thank’s Henry!